Hann Bingham Brunner

A photo of Hann, a white non-binary person with short dark hair. They are wearing large tortoise-shell glasses, a gold nose ring, a heather gray shirt and a yellow bolo tie.

Hann Bingham Brunner, a student at Oklahoma State University, is a semi-finalist for the 2023 Heumann-Armstrong Award.

More About Hann:

Hann Bingham Brunner, MA (they/them) is a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics and Rhetoric at Oklahoma State University with a focus in disability studies. They are an Assistant Director of the International Composition program, as well as an Assistant Director for First-Year Writing (Freshman Composition), and  instructor for courses such as Critical Writing and Analysis II: Disability Justice and Accessibility. Their work focuses on disability and identity, and the ways that these intersect with chronic illness, neurodivergence, and chronic pain.

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